Friday, September 18, 2009

First Full Week... Wow, that was fast!

Can you believe that the first full week of school is over already? We have already had a flooding, a pep rally, and school portraits. Before you know it, we will be turning in our textbooks and we will be planning summer vacations. Okay, maybe I am getting ahead of myself. This week in class we started our unit on Poetry. After some review of what everyone remembered from other years and realizing that music is SO close to poetry, we started working. The vocabulary review was great, we listened to and analyzed some Billy Joel (to the thrill of everyone, hee hee). Next, we focused in on practicing similes and writing some journals in our "Writer's Workshop." Hopefully, everyone is getting the gist of how class procedures work in room 212. Wow, what a quick week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome Back!!

Well, here we are again, starting another year of school! It is hard to believe that the summer is gone and we are back to living by the bell system and 43 minute blocks of time. Hopefully, you were able to enjoy the time off and you are back, ready to learn a ton of new things this year in English! This year, we will start with a Poetry unit which should be really fun. Keep in mind that if you are a music lover, you should be able to find something that sparks your interest in this unit because of the similarities between music and poetry. Song lyrics are really just poems set to music. As you listen to the radio, tv, and whatever is playing on you iPod listen to what the lyrics are actually ABOUT. You might be surprised!

Hopefully, we will have a great year. I am excited to meet the newest group of 8th graders and see what you have to offer!