Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here comes the ASK 8...

Well everyone, the time has come to start intensifying our practice for the ASK 8 test. Basically this means that we will be practicing many forms of writing and all of the grammar and mechanics that need a review. Look at the following types of writing and think about which ones you are most comfortable with writing:

Persuasive Essay
Speculative Picture Prompt
Explanatory Essay
Poetry Response

Over the next few weeks, be prepared to get your pencils moving and write those essays!!! To get you inspired... or your parents, there is a PowerPoint found on the front page of the GHS website that offers some great tips to get you ready for the test:

click here for the link

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wondering What Everyone Thought...

So, we finished the Night unit. I was wondering what the students thought of the unit. What did you like? What do you think you will remember? What questions are still swimming around in your mind? I am throwing these questions out into the void and awaiting your responses. Let's start a discussion, shall we?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ending of a unit...

It always is a bit sad when we end a unit and move onto another one. Our class just finished reading Elie Wiesel's novel Night. The classes had some great discussions about the Holocaust and the World War II era. Every time I have the opportunity to teach this unit I am always amazed at the great insight some students show in class. I think my favorite part of this unit is the final unit project. The students were asked to create a "Holocaust Journal". Basically, each student created a 10 page journal, made a character, and made their journal entries follow the time period. Many of the students have done such an amazing job! My hope is to have the students read their entries and create a podcast that I can link to this blog. I would love to have you listen to them... stay tuned. Mrs. E :)